2 Nephi 1-2 Marking Guide | The Red Headed Hostess


I love the Book of Mormon!

Here is a marking guide for 2 Nephi chapters 1 and 2!

These are truly some PACKED full of doctrine chapters.  Especially chapter 2!

These are meant to be guides

to help you see things you maybe haven’t yet seen and to show you different ways to mark your scriptures.  They are NOT comprehensive.  There are still plenty more things you could (and should) mark.

If you have a CHAPTERS scripture study journal


I would suggest that you write in it as you mark with this guide.  Yes, it may take you several days… but oh the goodness you will have after.


Here is the 2 Nephi 1-2 PDF:

Marking guide


  1. This is awesome! I am a convert of 32 years now and love scripture study! But your scripture guides make it so much fun, insightful and I am more motivated to read, ponder and understand them. Thank you for following your path and sharing your talents with all of us!!!

  2. I am loving these guides. I am reading and marking, and am finding so many things I had missed before. Using these guides has helped me delve deeper into the scriptures. Thank You!!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am teaching this lesson to the youth in Sunday school next week. You have definitely helped me with my lessons.

  4. Your marking guides have been so helpful to me. Please don’t stop! I’ve never really known how to mark and search out scriptures. I’m an adult convert, never went to seminary and I get so confused in Sunday School. You’ve helped me more than you know and I am grateful for “The Redheaded Hostess”!

  5. Funny, I find myself looking for a like button for Ann’s comment. Anyhow, I’m very thankful for the things I’ve learned from you about Scripture study! I started my own scripture journal a while back and have made them for others. I like that you made some to sell, maybe I’ll have to do that for Sunday school! Thanks again. I’ll have to check out the marking guide!

  6. Thank you so much! I have really LOVED scripture study again. And you are right, they get me thinking above and beyond what you have in the guides. I have had some profound experiences studying like I never have before. I need to get better at recording my thoughts and experiences, because I don’t want to lose them. Time to get a scripture journal. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  7. I’m SOOOOO excited to get this guide. It totally sets me up to come up with my own inspiration!!! Keep them coming PLEASE

  8. I agree with everyone! The scriptures studies are invaluable. I learn so very much from them and can only hope you keep them coming our way. Your studies have been a priceless blessing in my life. Thank you!

  9. THANK YOU SO MUCH – I’ve learned so much from you. Just ordered (and received) my first scripture journal from you and plan on using it – these ideas are GREAT. I still think you should publish a book with all your ideas!!! This year I’m studying like I’ve never done before as my hubby and I want to go on a mission soon. Thank you!

  10. I can’t thank you enough for these!!! I have been hoping you would be able to share more marking guides. I know these must take so much time but you have no idea how they (and your website) have blessed our family. My teenagers LOVE scripture study now and the scriptures have come alive for us in a whole new way. Thank you again for your sharing your time and talents with us.

  11. This is my favorite thing you post. I love how you can help make sense of the scriptures. I love the marking guides, sections, and title pages. Thanks for all your hard work

  12. I just love these. The one for 1st Nephi was so helpful as I started a more in depth scripture study at the beginning of the year. Thank you so much!!!!!

  13. Sunday School class has moved beyond 2 Nephi Chapters 1 and 2 so please send an update on scripture marking for the rest of 2 Nephi. I am learning so much using your method and I don’t want to get too far behind. I also need the scripture mastery list for the New Testament. I got the other standard works from your website. Thanks!!

  14. I am a convert (a member for 9 years!) and still have yet to get through the Book of Mormon. I love the gospel and want so much to learn everything there is to know in our scripture, I have just had such a hard time relating to the language. You are an answer to my prayers! I am very much a visual learner and not having any religious background you can see why reading scripture would be difficult for me. i am so excited to start scripture study using your methods. Thank you so much for the dedication you have put into this blog. You have been such an inspiration.

    Do you have markings for 1 NEPHI?

    Thank you!

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