Ask in Faith – Song – written by Hilary Weeks (MP3 Download)

From $ 4.50

 Hilary Weeks has written an amazing duet for the 2017 LDS Mutual Theme!  You will love this incredible duet that contains an original verse by Hilary Weeks along with the popular hymn “Sweet Hour of Prayer”.  Add this to your personal library, sing with your youth group, or use it as a theme song for Girl’s camp or other significant event.

Listen to the sample above to see parts of each verse, and how they are eventually sung together in a very moving way.
This MP3 is easy to play from your computer and can be synced to your phones or other devices using iTunes or other media players.  This file comes with cover art if you choose to burn this to a CD.  There are also lyric cards so that you can easily learn, and sing, the words.
See the sheet music HERE.
See the minus track HERE.
See the combo with the song, minus track, and sheet music HERE.
This product is also included in our Hilary Weeks Combo package HERE or our 2017 Mutual Theme Ultimate Kit HERE

1 license = for yourself or household.  Each additional license purchased gives you the legal right to give away 1 copy or burnt CD to others (such as a friend, class, ward, or stake).  Buy as many additional licenses as you need.  Digital copies cannot be given away.

1 licenses = for yourself or household.  10 licenses = you can give up to 9 others a physical CD.

* If you give someone a physical CD, please tell them that you purchased the license to give them a physical copy and that they are not allowed to make copies to give to others.  If they would like to make additional copies, they must come here and purchase additional licenses.

Sold By : hilaryweeks SKU: 1070 Category:


Hilary Weeks has written an amazing duet for the 2017 LDS Mutual Theme!  You will love this incredible duet that contains an original verse by Hilary Weeks along with the popular hymn “Sweet Hour of Prayer”.  Add this to your personal library, sing with your youth group, or use it as a theme song for Girl’s camp or other significant event.

Listen to the sample above to see parts of each verse, and how they are eventually sung together in a very moving way.
This MP3 is easy to play from your computer and can be synced to your phones or other devices using iTunes or other media players.  This file comes with cover art if you choose to burn this to a CD.  There are also lyric cards so that you can easily learn, and sing, the words.
See the sheet music HERE.
See the minus track HERE.
See the combo with the song, minus track, and sheet music HERE.


To print as many times as you would like for your personal, family or classroom use (please show this to any printer you may take this to in order to prove that you are not infringing on the copyright by printing the book)

To print and give the book (on paper) to others

Not Allowed:

This file cannot be given to anyone else.  You may give a printed copy but not the actual digital file.  In order to own a digital file it must be purchased.

This file is never to be emailed to anyone else for the purpose of giving it to them or sharing it with them.  In order to own a file it must be purchased.

Do not post this file, or images from this file on a blog, website or anything like it for the purpose of giving it away or selling it.  If you wish to share about this book then you may use our display pictures.

Do not change this file in any way.

Do not use all or part of this file or book for commercial use in any way.

*Anything that is not meant for the intended use of this book which is for personal, family or classroom use.  We are offering this as a digital file for the convenience of our customers, any abuse of that is not allowed.

Please select the number of LICENSES you need.  If you are buying this song for yourself, you just need 1 license.  If you would like to make physical copies for others, please select the number you wish to make.  Once you have purchased the license then you can make that number of physical copies by burning the songs onto CDs – transferring the digital file is not allowed.
* This song is available at

Additional information

Number of Licenses

5 Licenses, 10 Licenses, 15 Licenses, 20 Licenses, 25 Licenses, 30 Licenses, 35 Licenses, 40 Licenses, 45 Licenses, 50 Licenses, 60 Licenses, 70 Licenses, 80 Licenses, 90 Licenses, 100 Licenses

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