Five Author Book Giveaway!- The Red Headed Hostess

LDS Book Giveaway!


Connie Sokol is so awesome – she put together this awesome giveaway and I wanted to let you all know about it!

Here it is:

Prepare for Easter with our multi-author Easter Book Giveaway! Throughout the week, from April 8 through April 16thenter to win by using Rafflecopter (you can find the Rafflecopter at the end of this post).

Connie Sokol's awesome book: 40 Days With the Savior!

Win one of EACH book from these fabulous five guest authors, plus my own 40 Days with the Savior (ebook and Book Bundle!)—so simple!!

Why Do We Celebrate Easter? Printable book by Shannon Foster. Great for kids or adults!

Why Do We Celebrate Easter?, Shannon Foster

Win the file to print for you and your loved ones!

This is a print-your-own book about why we celebrate Easter.  It is great for kids and adults!  This book covers the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, why understanding the resurrection is important and what the Easter symbols mean.

(If you already have this book, she will give you a gift card for her download store)

Does this Insecurity Make Me Look Fat? By Michelle Wilson

Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?, Michelle Wilson

Win an ebook!

“When we see ourselves with God’s eternal perspective, we can feel confident and whole—even in our imperfection. Just think what we might accomplish if we truly believe that we are more important than we know, stronger than we realize, and extraordinary in every way.”

 Simple Things: Daily Thoughts, Stories & Inspiration to Live Life More Fully, Lori Nawyn

Simple Things: Daily Thoughts, Stories & Inspiration to Live Life More Fully, Lori Nawyn

Win an ebook!

Within the pages of Simple Things, women will gain the necessary tools to confront self-limiting beliefs that prevent daughters of God from fully realizing their noble heritage. By embracing the gentle lessons shared by the author, even the most aching of spirits can emerge from the shadows to celebrate the glory of life with peace, joy, and hope.


 Precious in His Sight: Seeing Yourself As God Sees You, Jodi Robinson

Precious in His Sight: Seeing Yourself As God Sees You, Jodi Robinson

Win a print book and ruby necklace!

Our Father in Heaven, in His infinite wisdom, sees not the outward appearance but perceives the beauty of the heart and the worth of a soul. Through meaningful stories, scriptures, and examples, motivational speaker Jodi Marie Robinson lovingly reminds daughters of God of all ages, shapes, and sizes that the only true path to happiness is to measure your value as the Lord does.  After all, you are more precious than rubies.

 We Are Strong!, Fay Klingler

We Are Strong!, Fay Klingler

Win an ebook!

Every girl needs a mentor, someone she can trust to show her the way home to Heavenly Father. The stakes are high—as women of influence, how we live and how we teach Heavenly Father’s daughters will change the course of their lives forever. Using compelling real-life stories from women of all ages, award winning author Fay A. Klingler clearly defines how and why we must continue to live and teach the Young Women values.

How to enter:

Rafflecopter is really awesome because it keeps track of all entries even if this article is posted on multiple websites! All you need to do is log in (using your email or Facebook) and then click on different things to earn entries.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. man, I wish I had a twitter account…. But I still was able to enter (yay) Thank you so much for this chance to win these must have books!

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