What are some light the world ideas?
This Christmas we are all invited to Light the World through service ideas, loving one by one just like Jesus did.
Visit http://ComeuntoChrist.org for daily light the world prompts! They are sent directly to your cell phone!
To help your children #LighttheWorld, we have made these service inserts for your advent calendar along with light the world ideas! Just print this PDF and cut into separate cards and then choose the 25 that you think are the best for your family. Then put the cards into your family’s advent calendar with a treat or small advent surprise. Each day as your children select the card and then perform that act of service, they can then pull out their treat or prize.
If you don’t have an advent calendar, you can glue each card onto a lunch sack (with a prize inside of each sack). As your children serve each day they can then open up the sack to get their surprise.
If you share on social media, make sure to give them the hashtag #lighttheworld.