The Proclamation in Pictures | The Red Headed Hostess

Today is the second blog hop of this celebration!

And what a celebration it has been so far with this proclamation picture game!

Today we are inviting all of you to bring phrases from the Proclamation to life using your pictures!

Here is my attempt for today…. and welcome to my family.


All human beings – male and female – are created in the image of God.

(Oh…. and they are)

The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave.

(Miss you dad… it has been 14 years next month)

Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children.

(And what a great job he does!!)

Marriage is ordained of God.

(We can feel that)

Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan.

hint… hint…. (any day now guys)

Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

(So grateful we have such easy access to it!)

 Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.

(This is our temple… so lovely)


Remember to visit the other blogs hosting this celebration!

They have great things going on each day!  Montserrat from Chocolate on My Cranium,  Jocelyn from We Talk of Christ,  and Jaime from Welcome to the Madness.  Be sure to visit each blog every day!
















  1. I forgot this was today’s blog hop!!! I love it…I have got to do a post because I want to win that awesome print…and all the other prizes too. 🙂 Love all your awesome pic’s.

  2. this was fun to look at. i hope i can get something put together on my blog! I don’t want this celebration to end 🙂

  3. I love this! Gorgeous pictures, and I love all your little asides that go with them! 🙂 I’m having so much fun reading everyone’s posts this month!

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