Question for YOU Followers… | The Red Headed Hostess
My, oh my a newborn takes a lot of time, energy, attention and SLEEP!
But one thing is for sure – she probably gets 100 kisses a day. We just adore her.
I am WAY behind on answering emails – so to those of you who are awaiting a response… I apologize.
So here is my question…
I was talking with my husband and expressed my concern that as this website has evolved, the current set up (categories, topics, layout, etc) may not be the most efficient anymore. So he suggested that I sit down and outline what I visualize it should be and that we make the changes (i.e. my website designers make the changes) to make this site as good as it could be.
So before I dive in, I would like to know from you what you use this site most for. So if you wouldn’t mind helping me out and answering these questions:
- What are your favorite types of posts on my site?
- What would you like to see more of?
- Any suggestions?
Check out our website here.
My favourite posts are the scripture journal posts. Your insights have taught me soooo much! I would love to see more of those.
I would love to see maybe some more ideas on how to incorporate scripture study into Family Home Evening, or for callings like in Relief Society, Young Women’s (which I know you’re currently doing) and maybe Primary if you have anything available. But that’s second to the scripture journal stuff.
My favorite are your top of each page theme lists {Topic headers} for the scriptures.
What I would like to see more of is the lessons {thoughts and ideas} that go along with the Gospel Doctrine lessons for the year. A discussion maybe?
Thanks for ALL you do!
Get some sleep when baby sleeps. ; ) I know…easier said than done.
I love all of your posts, so thank you for doing this. It’s been very helpful. Such insight and specific help/ideas are available here. How could I possible pick a favorite?:) Keep up the amazing work!
However, the site is difficult to navigate. If I want to go back and read something, trying to find it is not easy. You have ALOT of categories on the side. And I look at it like a filing cabinet. One in which it is waaaay to over categorized, and therefore difficult to sift through. Could simply be more “user friendly” I suppose the term would be.
But baby FIRST! Congratulations:)
Hi, I visit here each day. i am not a Mormon but I am a follower of Christ. I have to admit that I find your Scripture entries the most interesting and helpful for me. I have learnt so much regarding repentance, pride, etc and have enjoyed (and put into action) many of your scripture study tips. I tend to take the biblical aspect of your items and omit the LDS aspects and through this I have learnt much about me, my faith and how to get the most out my studies and applications. I appreciate your entries and and find your examples and diagrams very valuable. Sometimes it’s easier to find certain catagories than others, but all in all you do a splendid job. Thank you.
I really love your blog so much! I would love to see you do do some journaling about Daughter’s in my Kingdom,and possibly a version of your journaling for Preach My Gospel. You do such a fabulous job! Thanks for all you do!
I love your website but I mostly refer back to the resources that are scripture/lesson related. Journals, page titles, study tips etc. And yes, sometimes it’s hard to find the specific things I am looking for without doing a lot of digging. If I was in YW or had kids in seminary I would also use that section more but it’s not my season for that. All in all, I love the ideas and insights you give and I am slowly becoming better at my scripture study skills. Thank you so much for being willing to share what you have learned and congratulations on the new little one!
All of your Scripture journalling techniques and insights. Since happening upon this site, when I see my scriptures ans supplies on the desk I get a an intense feeling of excitement and can hardly wait to finish what I am doing so I can dig right in again. the scriptures have become a passion in my life. Thank-you!
I love your site. Your scripture journal and scripture study posts are my favorite. They are the ones I go back to most often.
Seems there is a common theme among the responses already and I’d just like to say DITTO! I love all the scripture journaling and titles. I love the teaching children the scriptures posts too. I also feel like it’s a little difficult to navigate and find specific things I’m looking for. But all in all, I LOVE what you do and thank you so much!
I love the scripture journal and lessons you have taught. I do enjoy the family home evening things too. I just love the whole thing.
Your site is fantastic! I love everything about it and have to admit that I always come back to find the recipes (YUM!) and the games for groups that you’ve posted. Both of these things have been big hits every time I’ve used them! And, of course I love the scripture study tips too. They have helped me immensely in my personal study. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the ideas for teaching the gospel to young children. Like I said, it’s ALL fantastic. Enjoy your precious baby. 🙂
I love your scripture studies and journal posts. It gives me a great place to start and gets my brain going.
Do what you can do and love on the baby first!
I love almost everything! Anything scriptures and because of my calling Young Women stuff is most helpful. I say just keep sharing! Thanks!
Ditto to everything about scripture study and journaling. Thank you so much!
I love anything that would help me in teaching seminary.
For me you’re like my “GO TO” place for all inspiration on scripture study and teaching help… You give me awesome idea’s and tons of inspiration and motivation… I honestly love your entire blog
Please make the scripture/study/journaling things easy to find. They are the main reason I subscribed and share your blog. I am so thankful for your practical application suggestions. =) I enjoy the other posts as well, but the scripture related are my favorite.
The posts that I look forward to are the scriptural journal posts, or just plain insights into scripture. All of the other posts are a fun added bonus…but what I always read are the posts on the scriptures!
It would be nice to have all of the consecutive posts on scripture study in an easy to find location. It is kind of hard to scroll through posts to find what I’m looking for.
I would love more of the scripture markings for the rest of the Book of Mormon.
I am marking a book for each of my six daughters and am hoping you will do the rest of the book.
I am new to your site and am just having fun exploring. I love your insight when you study topics. Your drawings are so fun cause I am a visual learner too. Loved the pride drawings and plan of salvation. The Book of Mormon maps were so insightful. I would love to see more of these topics drawings.
First of all I’m a huge fan of yours. You inspired me to start a scripture journal. I love keeping mine. It has given me focus and excitement in reading my scriptures–it’s like hunting for treasure now instead of just reading. I’m addicted to reading and studying my scriptures now.
I love anything you post about scripture journals. I have enjoyed your sharing from the seminar lessons because I have used them for my scripture journals and study guides.
I love the scripture study tips including the journaling, sectionalizing and the top of page titles. Anything involving new study ideas are my favorites to look at and learn from.
I think the best think you could do is simplify the categories even if it was as simple as family/home projects, seminary/teaching, Sunday school, youth, and scripture study aids. you could have those on your main page and then link each to a more detailed list of what is in that category….
I love any and all posts about better tools for studying the scriptures. The best ever!!
You have inspired me to STUDY my scriptures not just read them. I love your marking guides and page titles! I downloaded the compiled BOM ones immediately the other day.
I would like to see everything categorized by book of scripture! And then a whole section dedicated to your scripture journal method. I can usually find what I need the way you’ve got it, but some broad categories with links would be helpful.
You are amazing!
Another vote for the scripture study stuff. So much of my day is based around my children and their needs that I find this MY place to go to. I just bought your chapters journal, topics journal and names of Christ. In just the week that I have had them my scripture study has deepened. I am so grateful for the resources you have here and hope you will continue to share.
Since finding your site you have made me excited to read my scriptures. I am understanding them like never before. I love the scripture journal posts. It helps give me a place to start my study and has helped me to learn how to get more insight in my scripture reading as well as journaling. More scripture journal would be my favorite. Thank you for all you do!!
I love all of these responses and I add a HUGE DITTO DITTO to Bethany’s post!!!!
I find you such an inspiration and love to work your insights into teaching moments with my seminary students on ways to better connect with the scriptures and the Savior. So for me the scripture insights, guides and ideas as well as the teaching (especially seminary right now) helps would be my first choices.
I would have to say….I love reading all your posts but Sheri is right…sometimes it really isn’t too user friendly when I am wanting to blast in and pull something out I previously read.
Your guest writers are a fun thing too (it was especially reading Macy’s…her mother in law and I are dear friends…so I have known her since she and Neil came home to visit the first time…before getting married….WAY FUN)
I guess my biggest suggestion is KEEP ON DOING WHAT YOU A SO GIFTED AT DOING….paving a way for us to become closer to the Savior and His teachings thru a love and better understanding of the scriptures…with a little user friendly makeover. 🙂
Your scripture study tools are my favorite. It has changed the way I study my scriptures. I also like your teaching ideas and various “handouts”. I would love a tutorial or series of posts on how you make such eye catching designs – what program do you use – do you have a favorite site for clip art – design tips. Thanks for sharing with us. You are great! And congratulations on your new little one!!!
I have to agree with many others that your scripture marking/headings are of an immense help to me. I have a greater understanding and a hunger for scripture study like never before in my life thanks to your helps! I am forever grateful for your influence, time and efforts! thank you!
I am a fairly new user to your site and my hands down fave is your scripture journaling and study aids. This has helped motivate me so much. So I wish to see more and more of that. I agree with others that the site is difficult to search for specific areas. I find that when I come across a page I want to reference again its just easier for me to bookmark it rather than search the site.
I know you are in a new chapter in your life (congratulations) but I hope with all my heart you are able to still share you talents and love of the scriptures with us.
Thanks for asking!
I fell in love with your site because of your scriptural input and the visuals you give to help us all understand better the things we read.
I also love the journaling…it has given me a whole new perspective on journaling…love your ideas.
Thank you for your time and talents and most importantly THANK YOU FOR SHARING!
Shannon, I love your scripture journal posts, your page titles and chapter titles, and basically anything having to do with studying the scriptures and deeper learning. They are so helpful in my personal study as well as sharing with my family. Thanks for sharing your gifts and talents and testimony with all of us!
Scripture journals, scripture study, and teaching! I love getting a peek at other people’s lives, but one of the main reasons I keep sharing your blog is the absolutely magnificent scripture and study resource you have here. (I even shared “you” at our Relief Society “Favorite Things” activity! 🙂 ) Looking at the “Most Popular” post list generated in the side menu, I think a lot of people agree. 🙂
I can definitely appreciate how tough it is to manage a great site with a newbie (having been in that spot four times now, I can say it does get easier!).
I would absolutely love to see headers for Scripture Study, one that breaks out “Scripture Journal” posts, etc, to make it really easy for new readers to find all your wonderful information. My family, extended family, and many of my friends, are benefiting tremendously by your willingness to share your study/journal/learning ideas. Your attitude of “hey, this is how it works for me; use what seems to work best for you!” is a very open and refreshing one, and I really, really appreciate it.
I’m so glad you asked this question; I know you’re happily busy with the most important job ever, and I’ve worried that you won’t have time for the blog anymore.
What I’ve liked about it most is that you cover a wide variety of topics related to following Christ; not ONLY scripture-related material (though that is super valuable to me as an early morning seminary teacher), but also the other things you include that contribute toward living a Christ-centered life. I like the products that you feature (and have purchased some of them), and the etsy sites and other websites that I might never have known about without your posts. I like the recipes too, and the articles about family traditions and church talks that you’ve been exploring in depth, etc. etc. etc.
I do agree that it’s not easy to navigate and find similar types of information, but I’ve used the search function with pretty good success.
Thank you so much for all that you share!
I enjoy everything about your website but especially love the scripture information and anything scrilpture related. Your journal about Mary at Christmas time incouraged me to start a journal about women in the scriptures. I also like marking my scriptures much more and because of your chapter headings and marking ideas my scriptures have come to life. Thank you…I know you are super busy with your precious daughter.
My favorite is also the scripture study helps and scripture journal posts! I also liked the scripture sectionalizing. I’d love some more of those. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Your blog is very unique and a blessing.
Anything scriptures…topic headings, how to mark, how to study, scripture journals, etc. I’ve learned so much from your site and use it for my scripture study! Thank you!!
I love your scripture marking guides. They have been so helpful.
I too like many of the others like the scripture related items. They are such a great help to me. I share them with my children and grandchildren. Thank you for such a great website.
I love your Scripture Posts. they provide such great insight on the things that i study.
I love everything that has to do with the scriptures. I would love to be able to mark my scriptures all the way through. Grouping the scriptures in each chapter has been a real asset to my scripture study. My husband and I are leaving for the MTC on Monday and then off to Florida to serve our mission. Your site has helped me tremendously in preparing for our mission. I am hoping you will continue with the Bible, D&C, and the Pearl of Great Price. Thank you so much for your time and talent in helping us.
I have to agree with Jenni, in that every time I’ve tried one of your recipes, they’ve been a huge hit! I love how spiritual you are, and all your ideas for scripture journaling, and FHEs, and ideas for YW and YM which I used when I was teaching Seminary and working with the YW but now I’m with Primary so I tend to use your games more, and still implement some of your ideas into my classes and daily routines. I love everything about your blog, it’s hard to pick! I love reading about your family and all the wonderful blessings you receive day to day, your brand new bundle of joy, your business ventures, your husband’s shenanigans, everything!
You seem to have a unanimous voting with respect to Scripture Study.. It is definitely one of the most special parts of your blog.
I was taken aback when you changed your blog design but that usually happens when something is new, you must get used to it. Search function usually gets me by as Jackie mentioned.
Your blog is the one I visit the most. Your blog, a very funny food blog, and Sugardoodle. Can’t live without them! 🙂 Thank you for everything you do <3
Shannon, you have a great thing going here and we all love it! Your site is beautiful and a nice place to be. Others have mentioned simplifying your categories, however, I feel if it is too simplified, it creates the same problem…it is hard to find things because we have to think of how you you or other bloggers cateogorized your posts. I like drop-down lists, where you have your main category,but a drop-down list of specifics. A lot like Jocelyn has at Anyway…that is my two cents! It is wonderful if you didn’t change a thing. Thanks for inspiring so many of us!
I love love love your scripture study helps and journal ideas. I also love your quotes and the little stories you grouped together. Because of you, I started a scripture journal, and I love it. I also love your great recipes – Chocolate Coma Brownies are a favorite.
Enjoy your sweet Hannah! This is a great season in your lives.
I LOVE your scripture entries (study helps/ideas), journaling and the other two booklets you created (that I purchased). If you are looking to branch out…I love the idea about doing something with Daughters in my Kingdom, Preach My Gospel and the NEW FTSOY booklet. I work with the youth and have 5 of my own children so these areas are really important to me.
I would love to find ideas for activities and crafts to do with the youth—but if I had to choose between study/journal aids and activities—the study aids win– hands down!
You are the BEST and are literally blessing the lives of millions of people!
I really enjoy reading your insights on scripture study. The journaling, the stickers, and topics relating to this. These have inspired me to study better and to try and teach my children how to journal and study their scriptures. And by that I mean study and read in a way that they will learn from them and take them into their hearts.
My favorite posts, by far, are the scripture journal ideas, printables, etc. I enjoy pretty much everything you put on here, the family home evening ideas, the conference packets, the lesson visuals-all of it! Your insight and perspective are amazing, it helps me to realize that I need to think in a much deeper way. Congratulations on your new bundle, by the way. Daughters are so very precious and sons are just as amazing too! I love your blog! Thank you for the inspiration!
You put alot of great things. By far my favorite thing is anything and everyting with marking your scriptures. ie Marking, Title pages,subsections.ect I would love more of them too. Your way of thinking makes the scriptures make sense to me
Your scripture study and journaling entries have changed the way I study the Gospel and how I study with my spouse. Thank you!
Congrats on your little girl! Remember that it is very easy to overdo things after having a new baby. I’m generally in a “new baby fog” for at least 6 months. Give yourself plenty of time to get through this amazing and busy transition in your life. If you get overwhelmed with the “extra” things, remember that this website is definitely good enough until things settle down for you. (That is just some advise I have to give myself from time to time.) Keep up the good work!
I do love all of your posts–I’ve died and gone to heaven with the Cherry Christmas salad…and love your story telling style. One post that has taught me a great lesson is the one about your experience where you recorded conference and got out of it what you needed at the time–when you listened years later it didn’t tell you the same things. These are what I like to read…your experiences that teach new ways to look at things in the gospel.
That being said, the scripture journal posts will always be my favorite. You have changed my life by making a sometimes daunting task of actually studying the scriptures (I mean, really where do you begin?) doable. I still struggle between getting through the reading and picking apart every verse, but I’ve been told that’s a good problem to have.
Your page titles and printable lists of insights are a blessing to have, as well as your ready journals. I’m excited to start on my Names of Christ one…but at this rate, I’ll never get my Gospel Doctrine reading done….alas…
I also echo the navigation comments…maybe instead of all of the subtitles down the side, just break them up to the main topics/areas most looked for, then navigate from those main pages to more specific topics. I.E. Young women/Men, Children, Scripture Marking, put Holidays under Home, etc. Maybe with some tweaking of the organization, and a “facelift” you’ll find that what you’re offering is already what people want, just need it in a cleaner way.
I love the whole blog but I zero in on the scripture journal, topics, and page titles! But honestly what you have done is more than a blessing for me. I’m just grateful for you, your blog, your spirit, and your willingness to share!
Thank heavens for you!
I too echo many remarks about the Scripture Journal entries! LOVE how you truly dive in and teach us how to do it too! LOVE these! I would love to see a Book Of Mormon map that finishes up the War chapters in Alma! LOVED the first one. It was so very insightful! Things like that are really amazing! I love how you share insights with us and I would love to see more entries about the Names of Christ book in the future as well! I think grouping your entries like: Scripture Journal (chapters), Scripture Journal (topics) and Names of Christ, and then in each of those have a link for each scripture or topic or name. Something like that!
You are AMAZING! THis is my daily go to spot! Thanks for all you do and enjoy your daughter!!!
Oh forgot to add – perhaps it would be easier for you to have SET days for things? Like Monday would be just a entry about life, tuesdays an entry about scripture journals TOPICS, Wednesday an entry about Names of Christ, Thursday about a chapter or set of verses, you get the idea… SO it would be a set day for each thing with maybe Friday being a misc day? (something like that!)
I love everything about your site…scripture titles, markings, printables, recipes, craft ideas etc. I enjoy everything! You are a blessing to me!
I first learned about your blog from a friend of mine on Pintrest.
I can’t tell you how much your blog has helped me understand and at the same time, to encourage me to dive into the scriptures instead of just reading them.
I too am very interested in your scripture journal ideas and insights. I also like how you can put things into words I can understand-I am refering to your e-book “Understanding the House Of Israel”.
I am guessing that you have been thinking, praying and pondering the changes you feel you need to make to your blog…trust the answers you are being given from on High.
I am excited for what is to come 🙂
Scripture journal ideas are my favorite. I am a visual learner and it helps me so much! Thanks for all you do!
My favorites are when you share excerpts from your study journals. Like the one about Mary…or the one about Zion…
I love your whole blog. Sometimes it is difficult to find some things, but if that happens I just use the search bar and have never had a problem there! Everything you put on here is so helpful/inspirational/motivating in so many ways! I particularly love the page titles and marking guides. I wish there were marking guides for more of the books. Since I am fairly new to the Church and reading scriptures it helps me pick out specific things to see what’s really going on. I would also love to see more things about Relief Society. I know you are great working with young adults and so stuff for the Relief Society in a YSA ward could always be beneficial! 🙂 Thanks for all you do!!
I love the ones where you tell us how to mark our scriptures, what to write, and how to reference it in our scripture journal. I feel like that the two I’ve done so far have helped me tremendously in understanding the scriptures, and in connecting the dots of the lessons that are being taught in the scriptures.
We use the scripture study section. You have ideas that appeals to teenage learners and I desperately needed that. It also helps me to keep my own scripture study on task. Thank you for all you do, and give that baby a hundred more kisses! Because they really do grow up way to fast.
I love your journal and scripture study sections. You always do a great job on all your sections, I love your site and all you share.
Love the scripture marking/ and scripture related posts. Journals etc… 🙂
Anything on scripture journaling, marking, and study. You are definitely a motivator for me…and not a few of my seminary students! (this is my first year teaching- and it is early morning)….so I appreciate things that motivate me to try and then I share what is working for me with my class.
Oh….but we seriously LOVED the chocolate coma brownies for general conference at our house…. and the gen conf. FHE & prep games too.
I am truly amazed at all that you have shared with your readers thru your blog. You are an amazing person with incredible insight! This was my first year as a seminary teacher and I have used so many things from your blog. I hope you decide to leave your seminary category. Thank you for all you have done and congratulations on your baby girl!
I soooo love your blog. It has helped me to be excited once more about the scriptures. I would love to continue to see scripture study and journal posts. As well as teaching posts. I use these in my own study as well. Keep it up! I am a follower for life.
I would love to see more ideas concerning the YW program. If you are not personally in YW, perhaps a guest to contribute for this topic? Discussions on the lessons, and ideas for stickers to give to girls for their journals would be AMAZING!
For sure the scripture journal posts are my favorite!!!!
I would love to be able to search for something, like “scripture study tips” and have them come up with an option to start from the beginning. Foundation up!
I love YW posts. Maybe Personal Progress helps.:)
I just love your blog. I think the only suggestion I’d have is about navigation. It’s kinda tricky to find things. I love all the scripture helps. I’ve learned so much in the past 6 months that I’ve been checking your blog. It’s so generous of you to share what you do. Thank you, thank you!
I LOVE the scripture journaling ideas, Prophets/GA quotes and ANYTHING spiritual!!! ALL PRICELESS! thank you (a million times over)
I LOVE your scripture study and journaling ideas and I get a lot of good ideas for YW lessons here as well. You have inspired me to do so much more in my scripture study and I greatly appreciate it!!
As a seminary teacher I head straight for the teaching and scripture posts. I love the page titles, marking & study guides, scripture mastery ideas and they have helped so much. I would love to see everything you’ve developed over the years eventually make it to the blog. “From the seminary/teaching archives” would be wonderful!
Thank you for all the work you’ve done that’s helped in my first year of teaching. I appreciate the insight into how to incorporate new ways of study into my personal scripture study. Of course, I love the journals and scripture study posts. Your insight into the scriptures are one of the things that make your site unique. Continuing that in any way that works for your family would be fabulous. Using the BoM posts with gospel doctrine.
I also love the ideas for incorporating scriptures and activities that strengthen families teaching children into holidays, family activities and FHE. Thanks for asking others to contribute their best ideas as well
As a mother of seven girls and one daughter-in-law who are young mothers, I’d be interested to see posts of how you adapt your scripture study now that time is limited by your mothering. Balancing motherhood and personal time, especially for scriptures, has always a challenge.
The posts that help focus on the things of eternal worth are of most value. The food and fun are a nice bonus. I’m looking forward to exploring the activities, general home and food posts once I get a better handle on seminary.
Congratulations again on your baby!!! If there’s time for the blog, we are grateful. If not, it’s good to know that you’re putting first things first, and sleep is high on the list. Thanks again for everything you do.
Hi Shannon,
I love your website. I check it every day. I’m pretty much repeating what everyone else has said. I love the inspiration I get from the scripture posts. That is the “main” reason I come here. I do enjoy all of your posts though. Congratulations on your baby!
You are the most family friendly source I have found for scripture study helps. I so appreciate your sharing your study and insights and also motivating us to find our own. Your site makes it easier to want to study the scriptures.
Thank you for the time and effort and money you spend to share.
I love your blog and ideas. I have really started to enjoy studying my scriptures! When I have come back to look for something I have liked being able to look by book (new & old testament, BOM, etc) to make sure I have used all of your resources available.
Also having a scripture journal section where you have listed specific topics would also be very helpful too (and all your fun journal quotes).
I enjoy all of your posts!
Thank you for all your time and effort you put into your blog!
Go snuggle that baby of yours, she will grow up way faster than you think!
Congratulations on your sweet baby girl!!
Thank you again for this blog. I visit often. I use your resources for scripture study and lesson ideas both for my family and also for my YW. Your insights and clever ideas have enriched my personal study and my teaching. I use all the journals personally and we have also bought the theme journal for all the YW (and for ourselves!) and encourage the teachers to make use of them in their lessons. (I hope you will make another one for next year :)!!! )
I realise it is a lot of work maintaining a blog like this while also caring for a baby, so anything that you can manage is gratefully accepted! 🙂
I enjoy all your scripture based posts. I also am looking forward to getting your book on the Abraham Covenant. Hope that is ready soon.
Don’t forget to sleep when baby sleeps!!
Congrats on the newborn!! I don’t know if it gets easier or if you just get used to running on less sleep, but now that my little guy is 3 months I know that I feel a lot better than I did in those first 3 weeks!
To answer your questions:
I use this site mostly for personal scripture study. I’m a convert and sometimes need a little help understanding what is actually going on in the scriptures so I LOVE you study guides because I can get all that I can first and then look at the guide and get even more! I would love to see more of those, and more scripture journal ideas.
Enjoy your sweet little girl and smother her in all those kisses!!
I LOVE this blog. The scripture study/journaling tips are great. As well as the page headings.
I do find it hard to find things sometimes. ie: I find that if I want to go back and see all your posts, in order by the date they were posted, I can’t. It only goes as far as what is on the home page.
Maybe just an easier way to navigate things. Maybe post “tags”?
Thank you for all the time and work and effort you take in maintaining this website. Even though you are not teaching IN seminary anymore..from someone who SLEPT through seminary…you are teaching me now! Oh, the things we realize when we are older….sigh….
I love anything to do with your scripture studies, and scripture study aids. Your blog has turned my scripture study around. My daughter is reading the BofM for the first time. Your ideas and study aids have helped her gain a testimony. We just finished your map of Alma and the Sons of Mosiah mission. Please continue your help in this area. I am using your Scripture Journals and help you will continue this.
I really enjoy your entries regarding scripture study. I purchased your scripture study journal at the beginning of the year and I have just loved it. You have motivated me and made scripture study so much more interesting. I am just grateful for any of your posts and sharing of your time and energy with all of us readers so freely.
Congratulations on your new little one. Such a precious time for you.
I also love all the scripture related stuff and your insights have been very helpful…
I am currently attempting to do a study of become a proverbs 31 woman and would love it if you took on that challenge and shared with all of us your thoughts.. Every year I try to pick a personal scripture to study and grow from and this one is for this year…
Thanks for all you do and congrats on your new baby! ( I really loved the post you wrote about your last day teaching seminary to become a mother…. I have 4 teenage girls living in my home at the moment and used that post to go along with one of our personal progress value experiences… it really helped to illustrate the importance of motherhood.
I would love to know more about how you taught seminary. This is my fifth year, and I am running out of ideas! Any stories, object lessons, worksheets, games, SM aids…. would be so appreciated!
Thanks for all you do!
I check in a couple times a week, hoping for more scripture study and scripture journaling “tutorials”. They have changed my life. Really.
I am new to this webpage. I wish I had found this site a long time ago. I have found that the posts about scripture study are fabulous! I recently decided I need to really focus more on scripture study and bought your study books (chapter and topic and the 2012 Youth Theme) but realized that if I studied alone the journals would be pretty empty. I have printed things from your blog to help me get started. I am looking forward to it now! Thank you for sharing this stuff with us!
i love the headings for the top of each page for the scriptures. they have really helped me understand the scriptures so much more. i always look forward to the next group that you put up. thank you so much for all the work you have done 🙂
Thank you for what you have already done and the inspiration you have provided for me and obviously many others.
I too have been changed by your posts about scripture study as I made it a personal goal to become a “Sister Scriptorian” I love the information you provide about scripture journals, page headers and chapters. Basically all things scripture. I also loved your conference journals and the ideas shared.
Whatever you do don’t burn yourself out. We need your inspiration and a little at a time is better than having you try to do to much and then feel overwhelmed.
Congratulations and best wishes for you and your family.
The scripture journal segments I have loved….but babies first and foremost! Congratulations on your new little one….my oldest baby is going to be a senior next year…oh my! Time flies – enjoy every second.
I LOVE every journal idea you have shared. I LOVE to read YOUR own personal scripture journal thoughts and ideas. I LOVE to see your pages clear enough to read them myself. I have learned SO MUCH from coming here, and I refer your site to everyone I know! I have also pinterest-ed you often on my Scripture Study board!
The only negative is how confusing it is to navigate this board.
For how I would want this board to run….I like to be able to scroll down and see things written in the order they were written, latest entry on top, and down. I like to not have to hit links for each and every entry.
I also like when there are subjects headings on the side, that when you click on those, they also open up, all in order of first to last.
What I want more of on the board? I want to see more of your journal pages. I also love it when you write how you came to the thoughts you came to. The more thought processes you go through, and share….the more thoughts I receive myself! I loved that video of a class you taught…I would also like things like that when the occasions arise.
We all agree that the baby comes first…and you getting the sleep you need to get when the baby is sleeping….get all of the sleep you can! We love for you to share when you can. But being a mother of 5 kids, and grandma of 4…I DO understand that you have to take care of YOU and your baby…and we will have to wait. I’m not saying stop scripture studying…we mothers NEED to do this SO MUCH, that’s part of our self care! But the blogging of it here, is not top priority……having said that….I hope you will still have some time to share with us, as it does so much good for so MANY people!
Thanks for all you do!
I forgot to add that I love your Scripture Journals, and Topic Journals…I bought both of them for my family members, and for myself for Christmas this year.
1. Scripture Journal
2. Seminary stuff – flash cards, mad gab, lesson ideas, maps
(I sooo wanted to ask you for ideas while we were studying Isaiah, but that was the same time you were having your baby and being a mom definitely comes first)
Thank you so much for inspiring me and so many others to feast on the scriptures.
I just discovered your site and love all the scripture study entries. SO Inspiring!! As someone who is new to your blog, I feel like I’m playing catch-up. A section on where to start first would be great or an archive by date, so we can start at the beginning and work forward. I’ve read many posts, but they are often out of sequence so figuring out how to start applying some of your great ideas has been difficult as a newbie. Thank you for sharing your talents, testimony and loves with all of us!
I have gone back to the Scripture Journal entries, especially the Tutorials for using the Topics Journal just about every time I visit your site. I enjoy seeing other ways I can use my journals.
I also eagerly print out and copy out the page headings for the scriptures. Thanks for putting all of your ideas together I’m enjoying it so much!!
While I am not LDS, I am a Christian and I LOVE taking notes. I can’t get enough of your ideas on journals. I would love to see a place where you just have photos of notes, Bible notes, binders and journals….from you and others too! It is hard to find a good source online with stuff like this for inspiration (getting easier with pinterest and flickr but they usually just send us to your sight anyway! 🙂 I think what you have going on is great, maybe just easier to navigate through and a “sharing” spot too 🙂 thanks!!!!
I love your scripture journal posts and also your scripture journal printable quotes, I have been using them a lot in my journal. Thanks so much!
Thanks for sharing your gift! I am a seminary teacher, and I would like to be able to enter my chapter that I am teaching for the day and have all the info that you have posted on that chapter come up. Topics to think about, how to journal, talks from apostles that would help, pictures, games, how to underline etc. I spend a lot of time searching even for past posts that I know I have read.
I have found many worthwhile things – Love any scripture insights in whatever format they come in!
I LOVE your little ebook on the Abrahamic Covenant. It truly made the big picture (from Abraham to me) so clear. Thanks so much for sharing it – I’m sure it took a long time to create. Luckily I bookmarked it, or I don’t think I could find it again!
To make things easier to find, I wish that the posts had tags (ie, priesthood, faith, fhe, scripture journal, YW activity, etc). That way, for example, if you had an activity on faith designed for YW, and I was teaching a lesson on faith – I would search for faith and find anything and everything you had done on faith. Your faith activity for YW might not be directly applicable but might springboard an idea that I could make work for me.
Thanks for you willingness to share your insights with us!