Page Titles for 1 and 2 Chronicles | The Red Headed Hostess

Here are the page titles for 1 and 2 Chronicles!


These are just short phrases that paraphrase what is happening on that page and are meant to be written at the top of the specified pages.   For more page titles, search under marking suggestions.

Here is the PDF for the chronicles page titles

check out the latest on


  1. Oh I love these! They are sooo helpful when trying to find something specific in my scriptures 🙂 thank you!

  2. Thank you so much! I am enjoying the Old Testament for the first time and doing more than just reading the words to get through it. I can’t believe how much I’ve learned just with the additional information from the page titles you’ve shared.

    Thank You just doesn’t seem adequate truly you have impacted my life in so many ways with your sharing.

  3. Thank-you SO much for doing these, I always look forward to your updates so I can add more to my Old Testament!

  4. since following your blog I’ve been marking up my scriptures more than ever, it makes it more fun for studying as well as it’s such a great way to participate in Sunday School later

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