Name of Christ: Chief Cornerstone | The Red Headed Hostess

This is definitely not a name that we use often when referring to Christ, but it is a GREAT name and extremely insightful.

It refers to old masonry terms and when understood, … well, I just love it!

A cornerstone is a foundation stone, or the first stone set in the ground.  It is important since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, determining the position and strength of the entire building.

This name appears in various forms in the scriptures,

including “stone” and “rock”, which are m ore commonly used.  But when we understand the importance of a foundation stone, it gives them all more meaning.

* Some names of Christ appear over and over in the scriptures, and others appear only a few times and sometimes only once.  However, you can use the scriptures box above to record scriptures that give you more insight into that name – not just for scriptures with that exact name.

Under “Why Christ Has This Name” I wrote:

“He is being compared to the critical structural elements at the base of a building.  It is absolutely essential for a building (if it wants to be strong, withstand the elements, and stand for many long years) must have a perfectly square foundation.  For, if the foundation is off, so with the walls, floors, ceilings, and roof be.  So, Christ is what we must build OURSELVES upon.  And he is not just a cornerstone, but the CHIEF cornerstone – the first one laid of which all remaining cornerstones measure from.”

I then googled an image of a cornerstone, printed it off and then taped it into my journal.

* When taping in pages or pictures like this, don’t let the tape be longer than than the paper – you don’t want it to extend past the ends.  If you do, then it tapes it DOWN, rather than taping it IN.

This is the back side of the picture (I used it as an opportunity for more space to write).  But you can see that because it isn’t taped DOWN, that it turns nicely like a page.

On the next page where I write my personal insight to this name, some of the things I wrote are:

“If we put Christ absolutely first in our lives, and make him our Chief Cornerstone, then all other elements will be stronger and more secure.  If we put all he has to say and teach at the base of ourselves, then we will build up strong and like Him.  We will be able to withstand anything this world brings upon us.

” However, if we put other priorities, teachings and philosophies at our foundation and we build ourselves, our character

“As C.S. Lewis said, ‘If my house… collapsed at one blow, that is because it was a house of cards.’ (Quoted by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland in the BYU Devotional, The Bitter Cup and the Bloody Baptism)

“If we put Christ at the base of our personal foundations…. your walls will stand square, while others are falling.  Your roof will be tight, while others show gaps.  Your choices, daily activities, reactions and relationships will reveal the Chief Stone that you have chosen to build upon.

And here is the quote I wrote on the back of the picture I taped in:

“We preserve the symbolism of the cornerstone in remembrance of the Son of God upon whose life and mission the Church is established.  He and he alone, is the Chief Cornerstone.  There is built upon him a strong foundation of Apostles and Prophets and above this ‘all the building fitly framed together’ to constitute the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.”  (President Gordon B. Hinckley, January 2001, Ensign)







  1. I am always so inspired by your journal entries!! I am getting to the point (after studying yours for a while now) that I am getting good at them on my own! Which I am sure is your intent! I love that I “know” what to do with my journals now! LOVE it! Thank you so much for sharing all of your insights!!

  2. I was so excited when my sister n law gave me this book. I just started on it and I love it. I am the primary Chorister in our ward and we are learning the “Sacred Names of Jesus Christ” and I hope that the information that I write in my book will help me explain and teach the importance of all of His different names. Have you had your baby yet? My sister is in the hospital right now having her 6th baby boy. I am excited for you.

  3. Just got my Names of Christ Journal and am so excited to begin. Thanks for the sample entry. I am learning so much by using your journals as a starting point.

  4. I agree with Sara! It has been a tremendous help seeing how you use your journals! It has given me the confidence I needed to start on my own. Thank you so much for all your time and efforts! Oh, and congratulations on the newest member of your little family!

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