Pride vs Charity Journal Entry- The Red Headed Hostess

I have shown a similar journal entry like this before I switched over to my printed journals, so I had to re-do it in my new journals!!

Honestly, studying PRIDE and CHARITY side by side has absolutely impacted me.

It has been one of the great “ah-ha’s” in my life.  As I have struggled to overcome the oh too many elements of pride that I have, I have learned that when I hold it up to charity, I know what I need to do.

I have clarity.

So… the first thing I did was study the two.  I looked up scriptures and I read talks.

This talk must be read by everyone.  Perhaps monthly.

And then, because I am a ridiculously visual learner, I drew the this.

The girl on the left is my hero and my goal.

She is motivated by love and she sees everyone as Christ sees them and has His pure love for them.  Essentially, she desires Eternal Life for every single person who lives,  has lived or will live.

The girl on the right is motivated by pride.

She is in a constant quest to lift herself up above others.  She despises others and God and thinks that she is more important than them.

Now, these ladies are the extremes.

I find myself in both of them and my goal is to become less and less like the one on the right.  Essentially, to become like the one who has charity, it will take a lot of self-mastery and repentance.  You cannot become that without the Atonement and a LOT of personal accountability.

So – I drew these lovely ladies and then thought of as many characteristics I could that would come from such attitudes.

And let me just say…


It emphasizes CHARACTER.  I mean, put these people on the board (but put boys if you are teaching girls), and ask them which one they would rather marry.

Give them scenarios like:

how would each person act if you wrecked the car?  How would they behave if they lost their job and life became financially stressful?  How would they treat you after a hard day at work?  etc…

Then ask them how you come to marry someone like the one on the left.

(You become that way yourself)

I think this could be such an interesting discussion to have with your family.

See what they come up with.

Here are some of the things on my list:

  • Doesn’t seek her own gain at the expense of others
  • Prays for Gifts of the Spirit so she can improve and serve others better
  • Is not puffed up – she doesn’t try to appear to be more than what she is
  • Is gentle with others
  • Is not easily provoked or offended
  • Uses persuasion, doesn’t command others
  • Motivated by love to be better
  • Her eye is single to the glory of God – not her own glory
  • Submits to the Lord
  • Is long-suffering
  • Doesn’t boast of her own gifts
  • Recognizes her talents and uses them to bless others
  • Is kind
  • Has pure intentions
  • Has endless potential
  • Feels love for ALL of Heavenly Father’s children.  Not just those in her family, or her ward, or stake, or nation, race, school, religion, etc.
  • Does not cover her sins.  Repents quickly.
  • Does not swear or speak of inappropriate things
  • Does not gossip
  • Gains pure knowledge so she can teach and lead others to Christ
  • Studies the scriptures
  • Does not elevate herself to diminish others
  • Does not cheat or deceive others in any way
  • Never disciplines out of anger, but out of love
  • Takes accountability for her sins and repents quickly
  • Has self-control
  • Prepares and prevents so she will not sin
  • Listens to leaders and prophets
  • Prays for guidance
  • Lives within her means
  • Discusses without contention
  • Overcomes her fear so she can serve
  • Rejoices in the success of others, even if it is something she wanted herself
  • Is honest in every way
  • Does not care if her good deeds are known
  • Knows when to lead and when to follow
  • Easily compliments, uplifts and shows praise and gratitude to others
  • Has self- worth
  • Respects authority
Isn’t this a cool girl???

And now for this girl.

  • She is motivated to be better by pride… not love
  • She will pit her will against God’s will… unless His will agrees with her.
  • Desires gifts and talents to gain the praise of men
  • She elevated her ways above others, and above God’s
  • Is defensive
  • Is competitive
  • Finds pleasure in being above the rest
  • Embarrasses others
  • Is harsh
  • Disciplines out of impatience and anger
  • Criticizes others
  • Manipulates others
  • Selectively loves people
  • Desires the success or higher rank of herself, or her family, or her race, or her school, her ward, her nation, etc.
  • Asks others to do things she is unwilling to do herself
  • Exaggerates her abilities or accomplishments
  • Rationalizes her sins
  • Immodest
  • Does not pray or only appears to pray
  • Denies that she is sinning
  • Is more concerned with what man will think that with what God will think
  • Mimics love to get what she wants
  • Needs signs before she has faith in God
  • Looks to the popular opinion
  • Wants immediate gratification
  • Lives beyond her means
  • Behaves inappropriately
  • Is jealous and envies
  • Blames others
  • Doesn’t take accountability
  • Cheats
  • Deceives others for personal gain
  • Easily laughs at bad or inappropriate things
  • Wants her opinion to be right
  •  Wants good deeds to be seen of men
  • Holds grudges
  • Resents authority
  • Fear trumps her faith
  • Self-contempt
  • Progression is limited or stopped
  • Self-pity
  • Uses hostile words
  • Backbites
  • Depends on the world to tell her she has value
  • Unity is impossible
  • Easily argues
  • Does not receive correction
  • Envies those above her and resents those beneath her


Now… we will find ourselves in both of these girls.

The goal is to repent away the one just above.

It would be really interesting to discuss this with your family and then talk about everyday scenarios and how each person would deal with them.

Things like:

  • She finds out someone is talking about her
  • She is at school and someone asks to copy her homework
  • The boy she has a crush on asks someone else to the school dance
  • Her teacher asks her to put her cell phone away
  • She is asked to speak in Sacrament meeting

It is amazing how understanding charity and pride illuminates everything and makes everything clearer.




  1. this is perfect and wonderful! I will do it in YW and in FHE for my girls.

    I so wish I could do journals like this. I tried when I first came across you blog a year or more ago (but I dont think I tried hard enough) but when it seemed like a big chore I though perhaps I wasnt a visual learner.. BUT I WANT TO BE! i want your journals and your handwriting! wahhhh….. Oh wait.. is that being prideful… LOL!

    will have to keep trying.

  2. I am the young women’s president in my ward and I think this is a wonderful “lesson”! This lesson could fit in for “dating” and “individual worth” and ….I am seeing so many applications. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  3. I find absolutely the most down right, FUN, diving into the scriptures. And being the visual learner I am, as well as a somewhat artistically challenged soul…I L-O-V-E, LOVE, your inspiration, talents, and above all, your willingness to share so much with all of us!
    Thank you.

  4. Thank you for sharing you ideas! 🙂 I’m also a very visual learner and appreciate getting new concepts and ideas from your posts. Once I see something I can envision how to personalize it into my own life or circumstances. So thank you!

  5. This is a fantastic post. Thank you so much for sharing. This is a great topic to study and
    i appreciate your insight. I always look forward to your posts showing up in
    my inbox.

  6. I say this every time – but I mean it every time….. I LOVE your stuff!!!!!! I learn so much from you. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us and in a way that I really relate to and can understand. It strengthens my testimony!

  7. Thanks for being willing to share all this. I have honestly never thought of studying Pride and Charity side by side. I love the contrast.

    I think I will share this idea with my ward YW, and with my girls who are teens. What a great perspective.

  8. Any chance I could get a blank copy of this with just the girls on it? I’ve got 5 girls and would love to do a FHE and let them fill it in on their own. Your drawings are MUCH better than anything I could come up with 😉

  9. Wow… Colette, really? I’m always surprised at how critical people are when responding to someone like Shannon, who has helped so many others develop a better way to journal and study the scriptures. How about when you journal you change the dresses and add sleeves?

  10. I will be teaching a RS Mid-week Activity next month on scripture journaling, and you have been a BIG help! Thank you so much for being willing to share your journals with us mere mortals! 😀

  11. I have very much enjoyed your website. I’m so happy you have been so kind to share your ideas and talents. I have the chapters journal & the topic journal and want to be able to leave completed ones for my children, grand-children & great-grandchildren. I’m older and still love to read the scriptures, but I really appreciate the more interactive way of studying and pondering the scriptures that you are sharing with us. Thank you for your inspiration!

  12. I just found you when I was looking for scripture study journals via pinterest. I love. I love what you do. I have loved using visual scripture journals since the time I was 16 – and you have given me so many great ideas. Thanks for your great example and influence for good!

  13. Just taught this lesson to my Beehive class last night. I think they all learned something and I challenged them to keep track of how often they were tempted to compare themselves with others. This also goes along with the value experience for not criticizing for 2 weeks.

  14. I’m trying to study pride and humility and remembered this post but when I click on the talk you recommend it takes me to an invalid page. Can you tell me what talk it is or send me a link? Thanks

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