I Am a Church Member Study Guide pdf
This post titled “I Am a Church Member Study Guide pdf,” is part of a series of tutorials of different ways to use your TOPICS journals. All tutorials will be about REPENTANCE.
How can “I Am A Church Member Study Guide pdf,” positively improve your scripture study
I hope to show you different ways you can be creative in your studying through “I Am a Church Member Study Guide pdf.” This could be great for personal studies, classes, or even family home evening lessons for adults! (Even if you don’t have one of these journals… I hope this will still show you some ways to consider studying your scriptures.)
This is the third of the ” I Am a Church Member Study Guide pdf” tutorials. To find the others,
go to the “shopping tab” at the top of this site and then find any of the scripture journals and click on “ideas for you“. This link will be continually updated with lots of ideas for you that you can use and adapt in your own scripture study.
On this spread of pages, I wanted to dedicate it completely to great quotes that I want to be able to have at my fingertips.
I turned to the right page and right in the middle I put one of my favorite quotes:
- One day each of us will give an account to the Lord. This awareness was evident in a serious conversation I had years ago with a dear friend facing the end of his mortal life. I asked him if he was ready to die. I’ll never forget his answer. With courage and conviction, he said, “My life is ready for inspection.” (Elder Russell M. Nelson, Ensign, November 2003, 44)
Following, I continued to write down quotes I wanted to be a part of this page.
“Consider this letter from one young woman who said:
“‘I’m writing this from the depths of a broken heart, in the hope that it may be a warning to other girls never to partake of the bitterness that has come to me. I would give all that I have or ever hope to have if I could go back to those happy, carefree days before the first little taint of sin came upon my heart. I scarcely realized I was slipping into something that could bring such sorrow and ruin into a person’s life.
“‘I wish I could reveal to you the anguish and regret that fill my heart today, the loss of self-respect and the realization that life’s most priceless gift has slipped away from me. I reached out too eagerly for the excitements and thrills of life, and they have turned to ashes in my hands.'” (President Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, November 1977, p.30)
Next I continued to write down more quotes:
- “Cleansing circumstances are to be welcomed even if the scrubbing is painful.” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Flood, p.94)
- “The Past must not hold the future hostage, otherwise, what of the sons of Mosiah? Or Saul of Tarsus? Or many of us?” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Press Forward, p. 91)
- “Sin is like a cancer in the body. It will never heal itself. It will become progressively worse unless cured through the medicine of repentance. You can be made completely whole, new purified, and clean every whit, through the miracle of repentance.” (Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, May 1989, p.36)
- “If punishment is the price repentance asks, it comes at bargain price. Consequences, even painful ones, protect us. So simple a thing as a child’s cry of pain when his finger touches fire can teach us that. Except for the pain, the child might be consumed.” (President Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, May 1988, p.71)
After, I turned to the left page and continued to write some quotes in the area meant for quotes.
You can see that I have left some space and this is totally on purpose. As I listen to this upcoming conference, I will know if I hear the quote that belongs here.
FinallyI looked up scriptures that went along with the teachings in the quotes.
If you look in the above pictures, you can see that I numbered some of the quotes, and then colored in the numbers green. The numbers next to the scriptures coincide with the numbered quotes.
And as you can see, there is still some space for me to record more scriptures. So, as I study now and in the future, as I come across a great scripture that reminds me of one of those quotes, then it will go right into that place!
Thank you so very much for the added insight as I am teaching Seminary for my second year. Because you have been there with these amazing youth, sometimes anothers experiences can enhance and shed another bright light on the subject. I appreciate your study skills and look forward to learning more than just what is on the surface.
Thanks for these tutorials! They have given me lots of great ideas for study!