Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff Activity

Here is a fun and educational wordsearch about Brigham Young, John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff… and a little history of Salt Lake.

If you need some help, here is where I got most of the information – but if you really don’t know the answer… you can leave a comment below and I will help you out 🙂

Brigham Young

John Taylor

Wilford Woodruff

Those will link you to the Seminary Student Study Guides – which, by the way, you can buy from the Distribution Center, they have some GREAT ideas in them that you could use for Family Home Evening or Family Scripture Study.  Here is the link, the top 4 results are what you want.  And they are only $3.50 each!

Here is the file for the wordsearch above:  Crossword

And here is another activity…

about the next two prophets – Lorenzo Snow and Joseph F. Smith

And here is where you can read about these great men in the study guides:

Lorenzo Snow

Joseph F. Smith

And here is the file for the activity:  Lorenzo Snow and Joseph F Smith Activity


  1. Shannon, these are great!
    We just had our last day of seminary last Friday. I wanted to share something that I gave to my class for an end of year gift. I have saved up some Walgreens medication bottles (I was told that Walgreens will give them to you if you ask for some) I then typed on a mailing label the students’ name and this: “RX-take one daily to keep the spirit of seminary with you. Refill August 2011” (that is when we will start seminary again. I filled the pill bottle with skittles and they loved it! Cheap, easy and a good reminder. 🙂

  2. I’m new to your blog and I absolutely love it! I am so inspired by you and really want to become more knowledgeable about the scriptures. Thank you so much!

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