Why is it Important to Study the Scriptures? May Come Follow Me
Why is it important to study the scriptures? May Come Follow Me Young Women lesson helps.
(This package is also available in our May combo package: MAY COMBO: PROPHETS AND REVELATION)
This is such a great lesson and we have really tried to provide you with helps to make this lesson really impactful! You are going to love the printable pamphlet! It has 16 tips for really meaningful scripture study – such a great thing to keep tucked in your scriptures! There is also a True to the Faith study sheet, a page that helps fulfill Personal Progress Choice & Accountability Experience #1, and nightstand/desk reminders, a quote activity, and more! You can see it all (including a lot of pictures) here: Why is it important to study the scriptures? teaching package.
This month we have some free social media images for you! All of them match the teaching package too.
These can be used in any of the following ways:
- Post on social media to your youth to help get them more prepared, excited, and thinking about the lesson.
- Use their answers in your lesson (they will be more likely to respond to future social media questions if you do this).
- Ask them to post the question on their personal social media accounts and gather answers themselves (plus they are sharing the Gospel online!).
- Text or email the picture to your youth and tell them that you are gathering answers for your lesson and ask them to respond.
- Use as a follow-up to your lesson. Post the images that will help reinforce what they learned in class.
- Use to help involve and teach young women who were not at the lesson on Sunday.
- You can encourage the young women to comment and participate on social media by telling them that every time they comment you will enter their name into a drawing, and then you will draw out one name and they will get a treat.
- Right click on picture, save to your computer or phone.
- Email it to yourself if you need to transfer the image from your computer to your phone. Then open on your phone and save the images to your phone.
- Post on social media.
Here are some pictures you can choose from:
Why is it important to study the scriptures?
This is a great question to post before your lesson. You could say something like, “Hey! We are going to have an amazing lesson about scripture study on Sunday and you do not want to miss it! Can you take a minute and give me at least three reasons (in the comments) that keep people from studying their scriptures? Thank you!!!”
Then you can use their answers in your lesson, which is a great way to involve everyone right at the beginning of the lesson!
Why is it important to study the scriptures?
This is a great quote to post after your lesson. You could even ask everyone to share when the best time for them to “establish a regular time” would be and invite them to leave a comment about it.
Why is it important to study the scriptures?
This quote could be posted after the blue one above. After they had considered their own schedules, you could then challenge them to make the time they had left in the comments their own established personal scripture study time.
Why is it important to study the scriptures?
This is long – but really worth reading! This is a great follow up with the two previous quotes. You could even say, “how is your own personal established scripture study time going? This quote tells you some of the blessings you are going to receive – I really want those blessings for you!”
Why is it important to study the scriptures?
This is such a great quote. It can be used to help encourage the young women to study, or to reassure them (after they have established a regular scripture study time) that doing so is a great way to always remember the Savior.
Why is it important to study the scriptures?
With this quote you could ask something like, “What ‘blessings of many kind’ do you experience when you are regularly studying your scriptures?” Also, you could say something like, “I know you guys are so busy with school studies! Just remember that scripture study is the most profitable of all study, so make sure to make it a priority.”
Why is it important to study the scriptures?
For the youth who are in seminary this year you could say, “I know you are studying the _________ in seminary! Carefully reading and learning the _______ while you are in seminary is a great way to follow the counsel of our prophets!”
Why is it important to study the scriptures?
This can be used as part of Choice and Accountability Experience #1 (there is a study sheet in our teaching package: Why is it important to study the scriptures? ). This image can assist the young women to encourage and help each other establish a regular pattern of scripture study, and focus on using the scriptures to help them find answers they need in their own lives.