Eight New Book Releases- The Red Headed Hostess
Check out our eight new study books we have just released!
We have completely redone our family scripture study journal and made it easy for every family to record at least one lesson they find in their studies. This is a great way to teach your children to find doctrines and principles and also keep a record that you can flip through in the future!
You can see some sample pages here: (This is a black and white book – anything you see in color is a SAMPLE page so you can see how this book can be used).
Price: $12.95
You can find this book HERE.
* If you would like to order these for a large group please email us at [email protected] for a group discount code. Please tell us exactly what book you want and how many you are ordering.
The group pricing rate is:
5-20 books: $9.00 each
21-40 books: $7.50 each
41 or more books: $6.50 each
* Group pricing cannot be combined with any other discount codes.
Help your primary-age kids stay involved, focused, and learn to record what they are learning! This journal is designed to help them draw or write what they are learning.
You can see some sample pages here: (This is a black and white book – anything you see in color is a SAMPLE page so you can see how this book can be used).
Price: $8.00
You can find this book HERE.
* If you would like to order these for a large group please email us at [email protected] for a group discount code. Please tell us exactly what book you want and how many you are ordering.
The group pricing rate is:
5-20 books: $6.50 each
21-40 books: $5.50 each
41 or more books: $4.95 each
* Group pricing cannot be combined with any other discount codes.
We have redone our popular scripture journals: Study by Topic and Study by Chapter. They are now better than ever!
These journals are designed to help you study TOPICS or to study CHAPTERS – together you can have a well-balanced study program.
Above you can see that we have a floral cover and a wood-grained cover in each journal. The wood-grained is designed to be gender-neutral (the interior is also gender-neutral).
You can see some sample pages here: (This is a black and white book – anything you see in color is a SAMPLE page so you can see how this book can be used).

Price: $12.95
* If you would like to order these for a large group please email us at [email protected] for a group discount code. Please tell us exactly what book you want and how many you are ordering.
The group pricing rate is:
5-20 books: $9.00 each
21-40 books: $7.50 each
41 or more books: $6.50 each
* Group pricing cannot be combined with any other discount codes.
You can find this book HERE.
This beautiful journal is a place to keep notes throughout all of your Sunday meetings and classes. Here, you can record and then later read the valuable lessons you learn and impressions you receive.
You can see some sample pages here: (This is a black and white book – anything you see in color is a SAMPLE page so you can see how this book can be used).

Price: $10.00
You can find this book HERE.
* If you would like to order these for a large group please email us at [email protected] for a group discount code. Please tell us exactly what book you want and how many you are ordering.
The group pricing rate is:
5-20 books: $7.50 each
21-40 books: $6.50 each
41 or more books: $5.50 each
* Group pricing cannot be combined with any other discount codes.
Have you ever received an inspired thought and then later struggled to recall what it was? This journal is dedicated to just those thoughts! This is a small journal (5×8) that fits easily in your purse, and you can pull out and record those important parts wherever you are!
You can see some sample pages here: (This is a black and white book – anything you see in color is a SAMPLE page so you can see how this book can be used).

Price: $10.00
You can find this book HERE.
* If you would like to order these for a large group please email us at [email protected] for a group discount code. Please tell us exactly what book you want and how many you are ordering.
The group pricing rate is:
5-20 books: $7.50 each
21-40 books: $6.50 each
41 or more books: $5.50 each
* Group pricing cannot be combined with any other discount codes.