FREE Personal Progress Summer Program
Personal Progress Summer Program! (FREE – download at end of article)
Summer is the best time for young women to work on Personal Progress – and with a little planning, it can be really fun as they work together! Here are some ideas for you so that you can help them get excited, work together, and have really meaningful experiences as they accomplish their goals.
This free download (available at the end of this article) contains this summer challenge tracking sheet. This is how we suggest to use this:
1- Determine a goal that you would like to achieve as a young women group. For example the goal may be to accomplish 25% more personal progress goals than where your group currently is (the YW president has access to this info on her leader summary report).
2- Do the math and count up where your group currently is using the leader summary report. Then figure out how many experiences, projects, and Book of Mormons need to be read in order to be 25% further along. So if you have 20 girls and each girl has, on average, 30 experiences left – then they need to accomplish 600 experiences before they would all receive their award. 25% of that is 150 – so the group’s goal is to accomplish 150 experiences this summer – which is 7.5 per girl. So once you figured it out – the final goal numbers may look something like: 150 experiences, 30 projects, 3 Book of Mormons completed.
3- Come up with a worthy reward if the girls accomplish the numbers (a special dinner, boating, a fun activity…)
4- Using the leader summary report, fill out the above page FOR EACH GIRL. The online report may not be accurate, but this activity will help update it correctly so the leaders have accurate information. So, write the girl’s name at the top and then mark what experiences and projects you can see she has already accomplished.
5- Assign each girl a leader to oversee her progress over the summer. Encourage that leader to be in contact with her at least once a week to see how her progress is coming.
- Follow us on instagram: @redheadedhostess for free social media images you can share with your yw to help remind them during the summer..
6- At the beginning of the summer, during an activity or part of a lesson, hand each girl your summary report. If the girl’s have their personal progress books with them then they can compare the online report with what you have right then. Have them meet with their leader and update their sheet right then and there. If the YW president has a laptop, she can also update the leader summary and be able to update her own reports (super awesome!).
7- Also part of the free download is a calendar. Have the girls make SUMMER GOALS and a PLAN on when they will work on various experiences and projects. Have them decide which experiences and projects they are going to do right then and draw the plan out on the calendar. Also have her update her contact info at the top so her leader can contact her easily. And on the back of the sheet is a parent signature so parents can know what is happening and what their daughter’s goals are. Tell the girls that if they can text you a picture of the parent signature, they will get a treat.
- Note: the goal of Personal Progress is to personally progress. Each experience has a purpose and is meant to help each young woman develop righteous traits and characteristics. The nature of personal change (or progress) will take effort, time, and attention. Therefore, the girls should not be working on too many experiences or projects at once. Help the leaders guide the girls with this in mind. Also, if the girls have this perspective about personal progress then it is a really enjoyable and relevant program for them. If they see it as a checklist to get through, the purpose of it can be lost and become a chore.
- As the girls look at each experience, train them to ask themselves the question, “what will this experience help me develop?”. That question can make all the difference.
Also included in the free download is a list of pre-approved 10-hour project ideas for each value. You will need to review this with your presidency to make sure you pre-approve these. This list will help the young women know what they can do and make a plan to get it done (and get super excited about it!).
8- Before the young woman leaves and takes her paper with her – GO TO THE LIBRARY AND MAKE 2 COPIES. One copy for her leader, and one copy for the YW president.
If you have girls working on their honor bees, the free download also has a tracking sheet for them. They can help contribute to the overall summer goal numbers too! For every 10 hours of service, that equals 1 project towards your goal numbers. Also, reading the Book of Mormon counts towards that portion.
Also included in the free download is this poster. You can print one for each girl and ask her to hang it in her room so that she can have it as a constant reminder.
Also included in the free download are prints for a poster where you can track the group’s goals.
Just get a trifold poster and cut and paste the poster prints on like this! Then each week, put it up during opening exercises and if a young woman has completed any experiences or projects, have her sign her name under the appropriate week. She should sign her name for each experience or project. So if she completed two experiences that week, she should sign her name two times. This will help you keep an accurate count.
- You could also have a two-minute personal progress spotlight from various YW each Sunday. Have them share a quick experience they had that week working on personal progress.
- You could also have a bowl of candy that the girls can pick from each time they can sign the board
This is not a part of the free download, but you probably want to know about these. Our new personal progress booklets are just stellar. There is a booklet for each experience and they are designed to help the girls get the most out of each experience. They really break down each experience so the girls can focus on each scripture and challenge. They will love these! You can read all about them HERE.
Also our Book of Mormon Study Squares are absolutely perfect for their Virtue Project. We have received SO MUCH feedback about this book and how it has really helped the YW study the Book of Mormon. There is a cute square for each chapter in the Book of Mormon, and then the YW can write something that stood out to her, doodle a favorite phrase, draw a picture, etc. It is a great way for her to pull out relevant doctrines and principles, and then have 239 lessons recorded!
You can find out more about these HERE.
We have an amazing deal that includes all of the personal progress booklets and the Book of Mormon Study Squares in our ultimate combo kit HERE.
Here is the free download:
Our Young Women and their leaders took the Personal Progress Challenge this summer. We had 151 Value Experiences done. 28 Projects and 4 finished the book of Mormon. It was a wonderful experience and we are going to continue the challenge! Thank you!