Doctrine and Covenants Sections 106-108

$ 4.00

Doctrine and Covenants 106-108 Scripture  Study and Activity Kit.  (September 20-26)

This week we will learn about the Priesthood.

The original art this week, made for these sections, is called “Instituted in the Beginning” and depicts Adam and his posterity gathered at Adam-ondi-ahman (as taught in D&C 107:41-56) where the Lord appeared to them.  This helps our families understand that the priesthood was given at the very beginning because it is the power to save and exalt Heavenly Father’s children.


Below is everything in the kit for you.  You get everything we offer and can then simply choose what will be best for yourself and those you teach.
* Each weekly kit coincides with the Come, Follow Me schedule.

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Doctrine and Covenants 106-108 Scripture  Study and Activity Kit.  (September 20-26)

This week we will learn about the Priesthood.

The original art this week, made for these sections, is called “Instituted in the Beginning” and depicts Adam and his posterity gathered at Adam-ondi-ahman (as taught in D&C 107:41-56) where the Lord appeared to them.  This helps our families understand that the priesthood was given at the very beginning because it is the power to save and exalt Heavenly Father’s children.


Here is everything in the kit for you.  You get everything we offer and can then simply choose what will be best for yourself and those you teach.
* Each weekly kit coincides with the Come, Follow Me schedule.

Doctrine and Covenants 106-108 for ADULTS

  1. STUDY PAGES.  Written by experienced and professional religion teachers.  These will help you understand the background of the section(s) and teach your family with confidence.  This is the most valuable thing in our kits.  Great for teens too.  Just give your teen the study pages, and on the top of each page write the day of the week you would like to discuss them together.
  2. Note pages
  3. Art prints

Doctrine and Covenants 106-108 for TEENS  (Lots of options because teens do best with variety.  You will be able to choose your favorite things).

  1. An Illustrated infographic that teaches the background to this section.
  2. Printable scripture stickers
  3. Table Poster:  “The Priesthood Offers Me Great Blessings”.  Just set this out and let your teen study it on their own.  These posters contain scriptures, quotes, links to talks and videos, discussion questions, and more.
  4. Quiz about the priesthood
  5. Teen Chat.  Discussion questions, background story, application stories, illustrations, etc. about spiritual gifts.
  6. A weekly goal page (to help them make and keep their goals in the Children and Youth program)

Doctrine and Covenants 106-108 for CHILDREN AGES 7-12

  1. Illustrated stories
  2. Scripture Study and Marking Guide.
  3. Priesthood wordsearch
  4. Table Poster for kids: “The Priesthood Offers Me Great Blessings”

Doctrine and Covenants 106-108 for CHILDREN AGES 2-6

  1. Illustrated Stories
  2. Busy book page:  Blessings from Heaven

BONUS MATERIAL (For families who want more)
As a bonus, there are 5 areas of focus each week:

  1. A scripture study skill
  2. A person or place
  3. A doctrine or principle
  4. A fact about the 1800s
  5. A scripture of the week

Each week this kit will have 5 printable index cards (they print back-to-back).  Each card will teach them one thing from the five areas of focus.  Then you can keep a card box and file the cards each week and build their personal database.

Subscribe monthly and save!!  Click HERE to learn more!  


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