Help teach your little ones that Heavenly Father has a body and we are made in his image!
This printable packet is perfect for Family Home Evening or Sunbeam (Primary 1) lesson 2!
Included in this packet are all of the following:
1- LESSON TITLE PRINT: Use this to help the children understand, remember, and remind themselves what you are learning about.
2- MIRROR ACTIVITY / COLORING PAGE: This is a fun and effective way to introduce the lesson. And it is a great thing for the children to take home so their parents can continue the learning.
3- MATCH THE FEATURES ACTIVITY: Have the children match each eye, nose, ear, etc. to either Heavenly Father or one of the animals. Help them understand that unlike His other creations, we are made in His image.
4- ILLUSTRATED SCRIPTURE BOOKMARKS: As you turn to the scripture, you will be helping the children understand what “scriptures” are. Point to the scripture you are reading and then use the illustrated bookmark to help teach what the scripture is explaining.
5- FIRST VISION ILLUSTRATIONS: Explain what Joseph saw when he experienced the First Vision. Use the illustrations and then have the children retell you the story using the same illustrations.
6- FIRST ARTICLE OF FAITH STICKS: Use the sticks to recite the First Article of Faith. Hold up the correct stick when you are talking about each Person.
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