Why Do We Need the Book of Mormon? Free Social Media Images

Why Do We Need the Book of Mormon?

Here our SIX things we have for you to help you teach about the important topic and help those you are teaching study the Book of Mormon:

First: A Printable Teaching Package

Why Do We Need the Book of Mormon?  April Come Follow Me Young Women lesson printable teaching helps!

This teaching package is packed with several learning activities to help those you are teaching really grasp the importance of the Book of Mormon.  Our learning activities are all designed to help those you are teaching learn and discover for themselves.  I especially love the activity where you look for restored doctrines, and the hashtag activity.

You can find this package HERE.

This package is also available in our April combo package  HERE.


Second:  Our Illustrated, Printable Flip Book

LDS Apostasy and Restoration: This printable book teaches all about the history of the Bible and why the world needed the Book of Mormon. SO informative and darling illustrations too!

Our printable flip book is also perfect for this topic.  This book teaches all about the history of the Bible, the reformation, and the need for the Book of Mormon.  We have received SO many emails and comments about how clearly this book teaches the history in a way that is easy to understand.

This book also comes with a worksheet that can be filled out as you work through the book (which is great for a class setting), and there are also trivia cards for review!

You can find this printable book (and see a lot of pictures and sample pages)  HERE.



Third:  Our Book of Mormon Study Squares

This lesson and the social media images (below) also match our printable Book of Mormon Study Squares book!  This is a great thing to help the young women complete their VIRTUE requirement of reading the Book of Mormon!

This book has a square for every chapter in the Book of Mormon.  As you study choose ONE lesson that you would like to record.  By the time you fill up this book you will have 239 lessons recorded!

Book of Mormon Study Squares! These darling books help you find a lesson in every chapter as you study the Book of Mormon! It is a really effective and fun way to study! #bookofmormon

This book comes in a PINK or BLUE design.  It also comes in PHYSICAL BOOKS or in a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.

The physical books  are square in shape and are in full color.  You can check them out HERE.

The digital downloads also come with reading programs for groups.  You can get the PINK or BLUE design, or you can get them both in our COMBO kit.


Fourth:  Our Book of Mormon Page Titles and Reading Chart

Our Book of Mormon page titles and reading chart would make the perfect gift or handout!  The page titles are some of our most requested items.  We have given you a summary for each page in the Book of Mormon – so that is 531 page titles!  This makes it so easy to know what is happening as you turn to each page.

These are also really helpful for young women who are working on completing their Virtue Personal Progress project of reading the Book of Mormon.  In fact, some young women may want to use writing the page titles as a ten hour project!

We have two sets – one in a pink floral design, and one in a gender-neutral design.  You get both in THIS FILE.

That file also contains darling Book of Mormon reading charts (one that matches the pink floral design, and another that matches the gender neutral design).

NOTE:  The page titles and reading charts are already included in The Book of Mormon Study Squares books – so if you want the study squares book, you will automatically get these!

Fifth:  Our Book of Mormon Doodle Journal

Amazing Book of Mormon study guide! This is truly a guide that helps YOU get tons out of studying. You have to read the reviews!

This is our all-time best product!  You can read more about this book, see sample pages, and read user reviews here:  Book of Mormon Study Guide:  Diagrams, Doodles, and Insights 


Sixth:  FREE Social Media Images

April Young Women: Why do we need the Book of Mormon? These free images can be posted on social media to help prepare your young women for the lesson, or for review. FREE! So awesome!!!


This month we have some free social media images for you!  All of them match the teaching package too.

These can be used in any of the following ways:

  • Post on social media to your youth to help get them more prepared, excited, and thinking about the lesson.
  • Use their answers in your lesson (they will be more likely to respond to future social media questions if you do this).
  • Ask them to post the question on their personal social media accounts and gather answers themselves (plus they are sharing the Gospel online!).
  • Text or email the picture to your youth and tell them that you are gathering answers for your lesson and ask them to respond.
  • Use as a follow-up to your lesson.  Post the images that will help reinforce what they learned in class.
  • Use to help involve and teach young women who were not at the lesson on Sunday.


  • Right click on picture, save to your computer or phone.
  • Email it to yourself if you need to transfer the image from your computer to your phone.  Then open on your phone and save the images to your phone.
  • Post on social media.

Here are some pictures you can choose from:

April Young Women: Why do we need the Book of Mormon? These free images can be posted on social media to help prepare your young women for the lesson, or for review. FREE! So awesome!!!

Why Do We Need the Book of Mormon?  April Come Follow Me Young Women lesson!

This is a great image to post that will help your young women really think about the overall message of the Book of Mormon.  You could use their answers in your lesson and then share this quote by Elder Holland:

“Love. Healing. Help. Hope. The power of Christ to counter all troubles in all times—including the end of times. That is the safe harbor God wants for us in personal or public days of despair. That is the message with which the Book of Mormon begins, and that is the message with which it ends, calling all to “come unto Christ, and be perfected in him.” That phrase—taken from Moroni’s final lines of testimony, written 1,000 years after Lehi’s vision—is a dying man’s testimony of the only true way.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Safety for the Soul, October 2009 General Conference

April Young Women: Why do we need the Book of Mormon? These free images can be posted on social media to help prepare your young women for the lesson, or for review. FREE! So awesome!!!

Why Do We Need the Book of Mormon?  April Come Follow Me Young Women lesson!

This could be a great image to post before or after the lesson!  You could also encourage the young women to post this on their personal social media accounts.

April Young Women: Why do we need the Book of Mormon? These free images can be posted on social media to help prepare your young women for the lesson, or for review. FREE! So awesome!!!

Why Do We Need the Book of Mormon?  April Come Follow Me Young Women lesson!

This image would best be posted after the lesson since you will likely discuss what a keystone is during the lesson.  They will also recognize the illustration from the teaching package and the handout they will get.

April Young Women: Why do we need the Book of Mormon? These free images can be posted on social media to help prepare your young women for the lesson, or for review. FREE! So awesome!!!

This is another image that is best used after the lesson.  After the young women learn about why they need the Book of Mormon, you could post this every day during the next week and encourage them to share with each other something they learned.

April Young Women: Why do we need the Book of Mormon? These free images can be posted on social media to help prepare your young women for the lesson, or for review. FREE! So awesome!!!

And here is a thought-provoking quote you could post.



You can see all social media images for all of the April Young Women and Young Men lessons below.  Just click on the links:

Why is the First Vision important?

How was the Priesthood restored?

What was Joseph Smith’s role in the restoration?

Why was a restoration necessary?

Why do we need the Book of Mormon?



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